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Sunday, June 16, 2024
Vietnamese English
What solutions for Vietnamese businesses to join the supply chain?
12/14/2023 10:11
According to experts, there is a need to promote participation in the global production network and value chain by enhancing connectivity within industries, domestic regions, and across different areas.
VIMC develops digital logistics ecosystem
10/30/2023 10:35
Information technology (IT) application and digitization are something maritime businesses have been doing to improve production and trading efficiency, minimize greenhouse gas emissions and reach green development.
Logistics businesses transform digitally to optimize costs
06/16/2023 08:58
Digital transformation to reduce costs is one of the contents mentioned a lot by logistics businesses at the Seminar "Development of logistics in the southern key economic region, promoting import and export of goods", organized by Customs Magazine on April 6.
Vietnam Logistics enterprises towards green development
06/15/2023 09:07
Green logistics is considered an important link in "greening" the supply chain to promote sustainable development.
Listed companies expected to recover in second half of 2023
06/14/2023 07:56
The profits of listed companies are expected to recover in the second half of the year after performing poorly in the first quarter, buoyed by the recent supportive policies from the Government, said analysts at securities firms.
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